The importance of choosing a field of work

Choosing a field of work is one of the most important things in an individual’s career. For some, it dictates how they live the rest of their lives, and for others, they can bounce from field to field with relative ease. So, what is the true importance of picking a specific field?

How things have changed over the years
According to a study conducted by Forbes, The Future Of Work: Job Hopping Is the ‘New Normal’ for Millennials, 91% of millennial workers expect to stay in a job for no longer than three years, meaning that across their working life, these people will have anywhere between 15 and 20 roles. Surely, a person would be happier if they had a consistent job that they loved doing. For this reason, we feel as though picking a field of work is best done sooner rather than later if one wishes to have a fulfilling career doing something they love.

For many, it is not as simple as just picking a field of work out of a hat or being so set on one that the choice is simple. Most young people have big aspirations in multiple areas that do not always intertwine smoothly. When university enters the mix, it means that the minds of these young individuals are confused about their choices. If they pick a career path that will satisfy them, they need an accurate way to decide which option best suits them.

SOAR Analysis
The first step is to evaluate all options using an analysis method called SOAR. In doing so they will look at the strengths, the opportunities it could present, the aspirations they have within the field and the results of that choice. It allows someone to look at everything that a job field can offer and then decide which of them would suit them best and fit not only what they want to do but also their values as an individual.

Work Experience
If a person finds multiple careers offer similar fulfilment, they should investigate getting work experience at companies relevant to their desired fields. From this, an individual may discover that one of their considered paths was not as engaging or suited for them as they had initially planned, meaning that they can hopefully eliminate some paths and leave the ones that still interest them.

Personal statements
At this point, if there are still multiple choices, the individual should write personal statements for each of their chosen fields as if they were applying for a university course, even if a university is not the desired outcome. Once completed, pass the statements to an unbiased judge, such as a teacher or careers advisor, to read. More than likely, you will write one with more care and passion than the others, even if the individual cannot tell from reading their writing.

The Buzz Quiz
A quiz is available to determine what jobs are suited for you using your personality type. You can find the quiz here. It will give a result based on ideas created by Carl Jung and popularised by Myers-Briggs over 60 years ago. The quiz only asks simple questions, but it can allow for a deep insight into your personality. Once you get your result, you can type it into google and find a more in-depth summary than is initially given at the end of the quiz.

There are many ways to help in choosing a field that you may spend the rest of your life in, but there is no harm in jumping around and trying different options for extended periods. It may be hard to choose the right direction, especially if you are young and still in education. Our advice is to reach out to your connections, teachers, family and friends for support, follow the advice above and always remember that there are opportunities to change your career field further down the line.

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